Full Moon in Capricorn - implementing changes
forecast for 9th - 15h July 2006
Sometimes it feels as if I?m writing a novel, with a cast of complex characters, each involved with their own evolutionary processes, and at the same time, inextricably linked from time to time to each other.
Occasionally, I?ll look far ahead, and consider the possibilities of how the plot may unfold in a decade?s time; sometimes I peak at the end of the year, or into the next couple, to see how things look. More often though, as I try and live in the present as much as possible, I just look at what?s happening over the next few weeks.
Always, there are positive and negative permutations; the complexities, like the thoughts of a human being are sometimes almost too numerous to grasp. The way forward I?ve found is to couple my astrological knowledge with intuition, noticing what strikes me first, and homing in on that.
This is a never-ending novel (hopefully), a story of all things, and too ineffable to ?hold? in any sense. The parameters of beginning, middle, or end are not definitive, although some have their own ideas on this. To me, the story is a sometimes gentle, sometimes stormy, sometimes hopeful, sometimes totally disheartening unravelling of Life, in all its beauty and ugliness. It?s like a thread of gossamer originating somewhere deep in the universe, spiralling towards us, weaving us into its pattern, before moving on to weave in trillions more.
Although there is so much we do not understand, what we can do is look for the essence of the energy at any particular time, and have the intention to use it as wisely and as humorously as we can, and watch it ripple out in a wonderful way that creates synergy with others.
The Sun and Moon are the main characters featured in this week?s chapter (or episode, if you?re into soaps), with Venus, Mars, Neptune and Pluto having dialogue with each other from time to time. The Moon?s character is particularly difficult to describe, except to say she is incredibly moody, altering how she responds to life, as she changes signs every two or three days.
As Sunday, 9th July dawns, the Sagittarian Moon springs out of bed, full of energy as she makes a harmonious link to Mars. Later on, philosophical, optimistic and far seeing, the Moon sits on the sofa with enigmatic, intense Pluto, conversing about the deep and meaningful things of life, discussing what changes she needs to make about the way she reacts to life and people. There may be some intense interchanges.
By evening (in the UK), her fiery trust in life may have been dampened somewhat, and she finds her way of seeing taking on a more pragmatic, cooler colour, as the Moon slips onto Capricorn. It remains in this mode until after the Full Moon, on Tuesday morning (4.02).
There?s a change of scene as Venus trines Neptune on Monday, a day of love and creativity. The rose-colored glasses go on, love in both the romantic and the universal sense pervades the air; couples walk hand in hand, and kindred spirits gather together, oblivious of the harsher realities of life. If you?re looking for creative inspiration, sit quietly and listen, it will come.
A quick flash of a paperboy, wings on his trainers, travelling backwards down the street on his skateboard, epitomizes Mercury, planet of communication, and information, moving backwards into the sign of Cancer.
As Tuesday arrives, The Cancer Sun, a sensitive, kind and imaginative soul, finds he has to deal with someone who views life a different way. This isn?t to say it?s better or worse, just different from the way he views it. The reality-focused Capricorn Moon wants to have a ?good? position within society, enjoys a position of status and control, and desires the respect of others. For those with Capricorn prominent, feelings are of secondary importance to how one is handling the material world.
The opposite is true for Cancer. The Cancer Sun wants to love and nurture, and for this to be reciprocated. If he feels emotionally safe and secure, then he will feel much more confident about venturing forth and making his mark on the world. The Full Moon highlights these different perspectives, the two celestial bodies near the horizon around dawn, viewing each other across the sky. It?s a time to find a balance between these two, whether it?s something within you, or between you and another (or others).
By Tuesday evening the Moon has changed her focus again, still remaining cool in Aquarius, but beginning to respond to the needs of humanity, and the part she may be able to play to help in its evolution. Causes are dear to the heart of most Aquarians, and they are often happiest when they feel part of a group of like-minded souls.
Almost as the clock strikes midnight (23.59 BST), on Thursday, 13th July, the Moon changes again, moving into Pisces, taking on an elusive yet sensitive air, much more responsive to the emotional needs of others, and needing to nurture those artistic and musical talents.
Friday, 14th and Saturday, 15th July sees exuberant yet intense, passionate energy, sexual harmony, and also potential for jealousy, and emotional outbursts.
Mars in Leo trine Pluto in Sagittarius, both fire signs, is a dynamic, potent, and energy-packed aspect. The characters are macho and warrior-like, and could be men or women. Even though this is a trine, which is an aspect of energy passing easily and harmoniously between the two planets, the fact that it?s Mars and Pluto involved here (designated ?malevolent? in the times gone by), means the potential is there for the energy to manifest destructively. Basically, there?s an enormous amount of power, which is intense and possibly combustible, so hopefully these two will use it wisely.
Venus in Gemini enters the scene on Friday too, eye-catching, and seemingly light and flirty, but looks can be deceptive; there is much going on beneath the superficial appearance. Aspects involving Pluto tend to uncover secrets, and when these come to light the darker side of Venus may be revealed. Jealousy and verbal mud slinging are possibilities with this one, as insights about a relationship are uncovered. Sometimes it?s an aspect of ?no return?, just reaching the point where you know you?ve completed whatever it was you needed to be with that person for, accepting you now need something or someone different.
Saturday, 15th provides this opportunity of seeing the harmony between the masculine and the feminine, as Venus sextile Mars. There?s a gentler feel to the mood today, like the calmness and clear, freshness of the air that can be felt after a thunderstorm, when raindrops are still sparkling on the leaves and petals.
Look for any glimmers of developing a relationship with a potential partner, (it could be romantic or creative); be open to any other creative ideas also. In the book, these two would be tentatively chatting with each other, finding out they had much in common, deciding how they can enjoy the day, and each other?s company.
The intensity of the previous few days has evaporated, others? negativity dissipated, leaving interesting possibilities for a more positive, life-affirming passage.
Wishing you an exciting, interesting, uplifting chapter in your own life. Warmest love, Astral
Selected planetary dances this week:
Sunday, 9th July
Moon trine Mars ? 5.51
Moon conjunct Pluto ? 11.31
Moon in Capricorn ? 20.25
Monday, 10th July
Venus trine Neptune ? 4.35
Mercury retro-ing into Cancer ? 21.18
Tuesday, 11th July
Full Moon in Capricorn ? 4.02 (18degrees 42 minutes)
Moon opposite Mercury ? 21.58
Moon in Aquarius ? 22.46
Wednesday, 12th July
Moon square Jupiter ? 13.38
Moon opposite Saturn ? 17.49
Thursday, 13th July
Moon conjunct Neptune ? 6.14
Moon trine Venus ? 12.55
Moon opposite Mars ? 14.27
Moon in Pisces ? 23.59
Friday, 14th July
Mars trine Pluto ?8.08
Moon trine Jupiter ? 14.55
Venus opposite Pluto ? 18.28
Moon conjunct Uranus ? 23.49
Saturday, 15th July
Venus sextile Mars ? 5.50
Moon trine Sun ? 13.48
Moon square Pluto ? 16.48
Moon square Venus ? 18.52
Moon trine Mercury ? 20.56
NB All times are BST (British Summer Time), which is one hour ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
