Weekly Column


Changes for the Better

Forecast for 15th - 21st October 2006

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The eclipses in September sparked off unexpected changes, and the energy fluctuated somewhat turbulently for a while. Last week energy was generally flowing harmoniously, and this week continues in the same vein, with a plethora of sextiles (when two planets are around 60 degrees apart) providing gentle opportunities for positive change, especially those moves forward that were difficult to progress with before.

Sextiles involve signs that are two signs apart, which means they belong to elements that are compatible with one another. Fire and Air combine readily together, as do Earth and Water.
Unlike the square aspect (three signs apart), which usually produces tension of some kind, which then often precipitates action, sextiles flow along easily together, presenting opportunities that can either be grasped, or allowed to flow on gently by, like flotsam floating down a stream. The choice is to lift it out of the water and create something new, or let it pass by in the current.

The planets involved are Mars sextile Pluto (Sunday), Sun sextile Saturn (Monday), Sun sextile Pluto, Venus sextile Saturn (Wednesday), Venus sextile Pluto (Friday), along with all the usual monthly lunar ones. Saturn and Pluto feature prominently, these are the planets connected to boundaries and transformation respectively.

Having said that there is one hurdle to jump before the working week begins, this being Mercury square Neptune, on Sunday, 15th October. The area to watch is communication, and clarity in connection with this. There may have been feelings of being misunderstood, difficulties with discovering the ?truth? about a matter, and a lack of clarity to do with anything connected to communication, during the last week or two. This is the culmination of those feelings, which may or may not (Neptune doesn?t like to be pinned down) reveal the truth about a matter. Be as honest as you can when dealing with others. Honesty is easier to accept in the long run than finding out you?ve been deceived, even if it was for the sake of temporarily sparing feelings.

Mars sextile Pluto, also on Sunday 15th, is an aspect of high physical energy, which could be channelled into many different activities, ranging from enthusiastic D-I-Y projects like knocking down walls, to something of a more sporting or sensual nature. Even with a sextile, with Mars and Pluto involved there is the potential for a little control-freakiness, so aim for a balance of power in all activities.

No less than eight lunar aspects permeate the airwaves on Monday, 16th (see below), which suggests a day of rapidly changing moods and emotions. Accompanying this is the steady Sun sextile Saturn, which will give you the chance to look at your life without the rose-coloured specs. It?s a great day to take a balanced look at how you feel about your position in life, maybe looking at how content you are with your various ?roles?,
and remembering that more important than any of these is your radiant, creative, unencumbered spirit.

The Moon moves into Virgo on Tuesday 17th, shifting the mood from being upbeat and creative (Leo) to one that?s more analytical and introspective.

On Wednesday 18th, there?s an opportunity for using the Sun/Pluto sextile energy to instigate changes you?ve been thinking about, particularly connected to your identity. Accept your own power, realising that by shining your own light you are helping others to shine more brightly too. The Venus/Saturn sextile is about solid, genuine relationships and friendships, founded on trust and mutual support. It?s also an aspect of balance when it comes to finances, so a good day to look at any problems you might be having, and think about possible solutions. Financial advisors should prove helpful.

There?s a blend of optimism (Moon sextile Jupiter) and intensity (Moon square Pluto) on Thursday, 19th. The Moon shimmies into sociable Libra in the evening (20.19 BST).

Relationships are well-starred (sorry!) now as accompanying the Libra Moon on Friday is a beautiful sextile from Venus in Libra to Pluto in Sagittarius. Deeper, complex layers permeate the emotions, enabling transformation to take place in a relationship. It?s a very passionate combination, and as Venus is connected to money as well as love, one that bodes well too for finding ways of increasing your income.

Heading towards the New Moon in Libra, which occurs in the early hours of Sunday 22nd (more next week), Saturday 21st looks harmonious, with a trine between the Moon and Neptune, sextiles to Saturn and Pluto. Link up with like-minded souls, and if you can, do something to help the ones less fortunate on the planet. Not a day for isolation, but one for celebrating the connections we have with each other.

Apologies for the number of times the word ?sextile? appears ? there?s no alternative!

Some of the planetary connections this week:

Saturday, 14th October
Moon in Leo ? 19.38

Sunday, 15th October
Mars sextile Pluto ? 13.21
Mercury square Neptune ? midnight (15th/16th)

Monday, 16th October
Moon opposite Neptune ? 5.17
Moon square Mercury ? 5.47
Sun sextile Saturn ? 8.29
Moon sextile Venus ? 11.06
Moon square Jupiter ? 14.20
Moon conjunct Saturn ? 16.47
Moon sextile Sun ? 17.28
Moon trine Pluto ? 20.14
Moon sextile Mars ? 22.01

Tuesday, 17th October
Moon in Virgo ? 7.16

Wednesday, 18th October
Sun sextile Pluto ? 3.17
Moon opposite Uranus ? 6.06
Venus sextile Saturn ? 20.54
Moon sextile Mercury ? 23.55

Thursday, 19th October
Moon sextile Jupiter ? 4.18
Moon square Pluto ? 9.18
Moon in Libra ? 20.19

Friday, 20th October
Venus sextile Pluto ? 3.42

Saturday, 21st October
Moon trine Neptune ? 6.54
Moon sextile Saturn ? 19.21
Moon sextile Pluto ? 22.12

New Moon on Libra, conjunct Venus and Mars ? Sunday, 2nd October ? 6.14am BST ? romantic possibilities are abundant!

Copyright: Sue Walker. October 2006.



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