Weekly Column


Astrological notes and Snippets.....

Sunday, 4th March - Saturday 10th March

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On Monday 5th March, the Sun conjuncts Uranus in Pisces, and is also right next to a point in the sky known as the north node. The latter is often seen, in a birth-chart, as a karmic significator of where you are heading in this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, and the way to evolve spiritually. The south node, which is always exactly opposite the north node, shows past life talents and scenarios. There's often a pull towards this sign and house because, like a comfortable pair of slippers, it's known and familiar, and progress has already been made in this area.
However, the north node shows the way forward, talents and ways of being to develop in this lifetime, and often people with their Sun near the north-node in your birth-chart are significant in your life. (If you'd like a printout of your birth-chart, with meanings of the symbols, but no interpretation, please email: – it costs £10).

The way forward is to use what's been learned before, and to use it to move into uncharted territory, so growth occurs naturally, combing the past, present and future.

Generally, this Sun/Uranus/North Node conjunction symbolizes sudden and probably significant suggestions with others; also a feeling of wanting to break out of any box you might feel you're in. It's connected with freedom, spontaneity and creativity, a need to connect to your true self (rather than playing out a particular role), and to find a way to bring this into your life, so you can include more of the things that feed and lift your spirit.

On the world stage, there could be sudden and surprising changes in certain key leadership roles, the old messages certain leading figures have been spouting for years seem just that, and new faces with innovative ideas can help to move the world into a better space; on a personal level, revel in your individuality and the things that make you unique.

The other key planetary formation this week is a grand fire trine between Venus, Jupiter and Saturn, with Venus sextiling Neptune on Saturday, 10th March. Inspiration, love, and abundance combine with a sense of durability. Relationships and creative projects can flow with ease, particularly if these planets touch any fire signs in your birth-chart. Venus in Aries is incredibly well-aspected this week. Time to put enjoying yourself before the chores!

Mercury turns direct in the early morning of Thursday, 8th March, so if you feel it's been difficult to move forward with some plans, things could ease now.

Moon signs:
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius (see below for times). We're in a waning Moon phase following the lunar eclipse last weekend, so the lunar energy is slowing down now, until the next New Moon, which is on March 19th, just before the solstice.

Some of the planetary connections this week:-

Sunday, 4th March
Moon opposite Uranus – 2.28
Moon square Jupiter – 9.37

Monday, 5th March
Moon square Pluto – 6.56
Moon enters Libra – 9.25
Sun conjunct Uranus – 15.39
Moon trine Mars – 21.25

Tuesday, 6th March
Moon opposite Venus – 18.48

Wednesday, 7th March
Moon trine Neptune – 2.56
Moon trine Mercury – 13.00
Moon enters Scorpio – 22.17

Thursday, 8th March
Mercury goes direct – 4.45
Venus trine Jupiter – 11.16
Moon square Mars – 14.30

Friday, 9th March
Moon trine Uranus – 4.24
Venus trine Saturn – 8.41
Moon trine Sun – 11.42
Moon square Saturn – 13.53
Sun square Jupiter – 14.19
Moon square Neptune – 15.49

Saturday, 10th March
Moon square Mercury – 1.51
Venus sextile Neptune – 3.41
Moon enters Sagittarius – 10.37

NB All times shown are for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Copyright: Sue Walker. March 2007.

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