Weekly Column


Full Moon in Aries - Me and You

Forecast for 23rd - 29th September 2007

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Over the last few weeks there has been great potential for change and transformation. The challenges around have been opportunities, possibly disguised as difficult people or situations, or things about oneself having to be faced, but nevertheless it's been an extremely positive time to move forwards, overcoming difficulties along the way.

There's a change of vibration at the beginning of this week, at the time of the autumn equinox, as the Sun moves from Virgo into Libra, on Sunday, 23rd, at 10.51 (BST).

Libra is the diplomat of the zodiac, yet isn't afraid to stir things up to achieve more balance, more co-operation and fairness. Libra desires peace, but often has to contend with conflict before finding the middle way. As a cardinal air sign he or she is happy to initiate projects, and to communicate rationally and sociably, especially in one-to-one situations. These people usually love company, and are graceful and charming hosts. Ruled by Venus, beauty, harmony, music, dance and being with others all lift the spirit.

Mercury, the winged messenger of communication, is skateboarding through the last degrees of Libra this week, and makes some very positive aspects before he swerves into sultry Scorpio. On Monday, 24th Mercury trines the Moon, and sextiles Pluto, and then trines Mars on Wednesday, 26th September. The overall feel is harmonious but feisty. This is due to the involvement of Mars, who is traversing the last degrees of Gemini, having opposed Pluto last week. Mars is the planet of action, assertion, desire and energy. Combined with Mercury, it energizes communications, instigates debate, and enables differing ideas to be considered and possibly grappled with, but with good intentions and humour. This isn't a time to allow egos to spoil constructive progress, but a time to see the bigger picture, and how to get there, step by step.

With the Full Moon on Wednesday, 26th September, emotions come more into play, and it could be easy to be drawn into a scenario you'd rather not be part of. Although Mercury trines Mars today, the Moon squares Mars and Pluto, symbolizing an angry and possibly control-freaky woman (could be a man too) on the one hand, or a final push to let go of anything, or anyone who you feel hasn't been kind, honest or doesn't have your best interests at heart. It's a time of transformation, letting go of things, people, situations, that no longer feel right on an energetic level, so that you can create space for something lighter, more peaceful and joyful.

In the end, no-one can hold you back, except yourself. This is a time to face up to any inner demons or blocks that have prevented your spirit coming out to play, to thank these demons/blocks for how they have helped you on your way so far, but tell them you no longer now need them, so you can metaphorically put them to bed.

As the Full Moon shines benevolently down on the colourful, autumnal landscape, even as the leaves change colour and die, new growth is already taking place underground. Since the Sun's movement into Libra at the start of the week, the tension between the Sun/Mars and Pluto is slackening. Imagine three fingers with an elastic band stretched between them as far as it could go without breaking, and now see the fingers slowly come together, the tension and pull of the band diminishing. In reality, something could have gone 'ping' with this combination, but only if the rubber band had withered and had had its day. Inner strength and the courage to move into a more positive phase, especially in relation to oneself, can now be the order of the day.

There's always a striving for balance when a Full Moon takes place, even more so when Aries and Libra are involved. Questions around suiting yourself and considering others crop up. The tendency may be to look at life from a 'me vs. you' perspective, but the aim has to be to embrace a 'me and you' view. Underneath all our egos is one spirit, so if you love some-one else you're loving yourself too, if you're hurting some-one with your behaviour, you're damaging yourself too.

This Full Moon symbolizes being mindful of others, while looking after and cherishing yourself. Then, hopefully, everyone's happy!

Mercury slides into Scorpio on Thursday, 27th, adding more depth and passion to communications. Mars moves into Cancer, another water sign, on Saturday, 29th September. Energy is likely to be focused on the tribe, the family, those things and people that are nurturing and that you care about. Actions are expressed more sensitively now, although with the natural sideways shimmy of the crab, it may take longer to get to achieve the result you're after. It's all for a purpose.

With these two planets in water signs, the psychic, intuitive realms can be tapped into more easily, as the move is away from the rational, heady space of the air signs (although the Sun and Neptune are still there).

Enjoy the week, and embrace any new-ness with an open heart.

Some of the astrological connections this week:-

Sunday, 23rd September
Sun enters Libra – 10.51
Moon conjunct Neptune (in Aquarius) – 20.09
Moon opposite Venus – 21.52

Monday, 24th September
Moon trine Mercury – 7.23
Moon sextile Pluto – 7.45
Moon trine Mars – 10.14
Mercury sextile Pluto – 11.55
Moon enters Pisces – 13.55
Moon opposite Saturn – 18.30

Tuesday, 25th September
Moon conjunct Uranus – 16.45

Wednesday, 26th September
Moon square Pluto – 9.33
Moon square Mars – 13.31
Moon enters Aries – 15.22
Mercury trine Mars – 18.53
Sun opposite Moon – Full Moon in Aries – 20.45 – 3 degrees 20 minutes

Thursday, 27th September
Mercury enters Scorpio – 18.17

Friday, 28th September
Moon enters Taurus – 15.17

Saturday, 29th September
Mars enters Cancer – 0.55

N.B. All times shown are British Summer Time (BST) which is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Copyright:- Sue Walker. September 2007.

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